Recently Brian H. Waters caught up with Kiera Hogan. She discussed her professional wrestling career, who she idolized growing up and the feedback she has received since joining the business. Kiera Hogan can be found on Twitter @HoganKnowsBest3
Kiera Hogan on Falling in Love with Wrestling
BW: When Kiera Hogan first fall in love with pro wrestling and what made you stay with it?
KH: I was 12, my brother was in love with it when he was younger and he was watching it with my dad. I just happened to see and started watching it and couldn’t get enough after that. I went on YouTube searching just about everything as far as WWE and I was in love! What made me stay with it was just that it was so different it was something was always changing and you never knew what was happening next. It also made me different because I loved it.
BW: What has been the best advice you received in wrestling?
KH:I’ve been told by numerous peers to never give up and keep fighting. I have fought so hard to get where I am not just my spot but to be able to do this in general. I had to fight with my parents because they didn’t want me to do this they wanted me to do something else and if I would have stopped fighting I wouldn’t have been able to follow my dreams but I kept fighting. I didn’t give up and now I’m doing what I love.
BW: You talked about your dad and your brother getting you into wrestling, how do
they feel about you being a wrestler?
KH:  Like I said, my parents didn’t want me to be a wrestler. My dad saw how happy I was and how much I wanted to do this so he accepted it and now he cant stop bragging to his friends and coworkers about it. My brother on the other hand isn’t a fan anymore but he told me once that he was proud of me for fighting for what I wanted and being an inspiration because he too will be able to follow his dreams.
Kiera Hogan Transition from Announcer to Wrestler
BW: Your first year, you worked outside of the ring, how would you say that has helped you?
KH: I learned a lot! I’m a visual learner, so just to be able to see everything first hand it was very helpful in the long run.
BW: How has announcing and interviewing helped you with your character and you in ring work?
KH: It really helped get comfortable in front of the camera! So when I started to develop my character it really help just be myself and make the girl on fire come alive.
Who did Kiera Hogan like growing up
BW: Who were some of your other favorites growing up?
KH: Well of course Mickie James, Melina, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Lita, Trish Stratus, Victoria and the list goes on and on.

Kiera Hogan on being to Cute to be a Wrestler
KH: I hate that! I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard that! What does that even mean?! So is Rhonda Rousey to cute to be a UFC fighter? If feels so good to be show people that put their foot in their mouths when they do say that! My talent outshines my beauty and I would rather them talk about my performance than how I looked.
BW: Who’s your best “dance partner?”
KH: I don’t have a particular favorite just because I have worked the same people numerous times. I think everyone is different and I love every challenge I’m given.
BW: What are some of the reactions you get when you run into childhood friends and
acquaintances when they see that you are a professional wrestler?
KH: Most of them didn’t think I could do it. So when they see me its like wow you actually did it and I won’t stop until I get to the top.
Life on the Road
KH: So far Texas, I’ve never been there and its under Booker T which is amazing! I never thought I would be able to get down there left alone under a legend like him.
BW: What is your best Mr. Hughes story?
KH: All of the moments I have with Hughes are the best! I’ve learned so much from him and he’s made me laugh a lot along the way.
What is next for Kiera Hogan
BW: You tried out for the WWE, what was your biggest takeaway?
KH: Â Every new obstacle is a challenge. I say that because it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and I will never forget it but just being there was a blessing and everything from that weekend was a takeaway.
KH: Oh Yeah! People think its weird because that don’t understand it or they think its fake. But I love to correct people and prove them wrong.
BW: Is anything you want to say to the fans out there reading?
KH: You will be seeing more of me just about everywhere very soon. I just hope you will stay with me for the ride and support the girl on fire!