On Friday, July 12th, 2019 we at Fox Sports were privileged to cover a NFLPA Youth Football Camp in Baltimore, Maryland. This camp took place at CC Jackson Recreation Center in Baltimore. NFL players who were at the camp helping out on behalf of the NFLPA were Lamar Jackson, starting Quarterback of the Baltimore Ravens. Ronnie Stanley of the Baltimore Ravens, Darius Jennings of the Tennessee Titans and former NFL player, Matt Lawrence were also in attendance at the camp. The goal the NFLPA has in mind for these particular camps are to have the players engage with their communities in an active way. They especially target staying engaged with the youth in these communities. In a community like Baltimore, Maryland this is extremely vital. The inner city of Baltimore has its challenges. It’s important for the youth in these communities to be able to see someone that came a similar environment be able to “make it out”. The fact that these players can make it out, make it the NFL and then return to the community and give back speaks volumes.
Camp Overview
The Youth Football Camp took place earlier in the afternoon. There were multiple stations were the kids competed and participated in different drills. They were able to work directly with the different players and really interact and have some fun with them. They then went inside the gymnasium and had an opportunity to have a Q & A session with the players. The way these kids faces lit up when they were running around with Lamar Jackson, Darius Jennings, Ronnie Stanley and Matt Lawrence was priceless. This is honestly what it is all about.
Interview with Ronnie Stanley of the Baltimore Ravens, Darius Jennings of the Tennessee Titans and former NFL player Matt Lawrence
We were able to interview former NFL player Matt Lawrence, Darius Jennings of the Titans and Ronnie Stanley. These players all gave a synopsis of their background. They also spoke about the different foundations they have and what they do in the community to give back period if they don’t have their own personal foundation in place. It was definitely a pleasure speaking with all of these guys. You can check the interview out at the link below.
Interview link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xuRKzoeG6Hvy_fIo_zOuQTKus8rb30Bx/view?usp=drivesdk
Interview with Baltimore Ravens Quarterback, Lamar Jackson
We were also able to interview Baltimore Ravens Quarterback, Lamar Jackson. Jackson is currently headed into his second NFL season and has set high goals for himself and his team. He also knows what’s important off the field. He is well involved in the Baltimore community and his Pompano Beach, Florida community where he is from. He is doing work with his foundation FOREVER DREAMERS and he looks to be beacon of light for the youth and the community as a whole. Check out our interview with Lamar Jackson below.
Interview link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tEt8nC_GSLrWqPKmfNCPUTm6o_F4ZE_E/view?usp=drivesdk
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